Thursday, August 23, 2007

I Love The Old Days When It COmes To Methods of Listening To Music

really guys im thankful that i'm born in this computer operated world. Im thankful enough for the internet for allowing me to discover new music radio wouldn't play( cause all radio play are crap).

But with all these free legal download sites which believe it or not are supported by the artists and sometimes even the label(eg Robbie seay Band's new CD Give Yourself Away is being given freely to the public via until its official release date on aug.29 and this is been approved by the band and EMI ).

and of course freak as i am,i downloaded it...

but then i remembered my other favorite band King Wilkie so i visited their site and found out they had change direction from being traditional bluegrass to newgrass with a Neil Young/Nickel Creek influence and no longer Bill Monroe...

their new cd is available for streaming so long before i finished listening to my newly downloaded Robbie Seay Band, i shifted from rock to newgrass... and then in the middle of it all i remembered so i went there and oh!, Over The Rhine's new CD "The Trumpet Child" is now available for streaming. and so without finishing the new King Wilkie i then closed their site and press Over The Rhine play...

And of all those albums i've been listening, this one i actually finished!!!

But in the end i feel exhausted. True enough i learned and heard those new music within an hour or two but i missed something very important.

And that is the feeling of "feeling the experience of feeling the music".:-). Something that's lost 90% nowadays.

We are being pressured with "new gud music" every minute that we forgot the experience of listening and being lost to the intricate melodies of jazz or the simple yet progressive mandolin sound of bluegrass or the wailing guitar of rock or the lonesome voice longing to be heard of singer/sopngwriters.

I miss those days when i was a young boy when all i listened to was my mom's record collection all month long until my mama would buy me a cassette tape of my choosing(I WAS BORN A ROCKER !!!) and listened to it all month long to the point of memorizing the entire album. yes,when i was a kid i did memorize almost all Elvis songs and Bon Jovi and i can recite all the lyrics of Metallica's Black Album. But that was back then. I can still recite it though only if a Cd is playing. Kinda, well i forgot what type of memorization is that....\

But then again i don't blame technology i nthe end. I blame only me for not choosing to slow down and absorb a certain album.

the internet gives us a new horizon in music,but it also give as a new challenge... a challenge to control our greed and stick to ond album at a time...

gud night junkies...


Thursday, June 14, 2007


recently i heard a news that President Bush had address the pope as "sir" rather than "his most holy one". i dunno if its true but i heard the pope and the vatican and some catholic people were kinda upset with how Bush addressed the pope.

well for me its not a disrespect.calling someone "sir" is not a disrespect but for someone who thinks he's more holy than thou,well,it might is....whatya thunk?

on my blog now...

Saturday, May 12, 2007


Here's something i found in the net today.kinda interesting.

by Marc T. Newman, Ph.D.

[Note: This is an analysis, not a film review there are some spoilers ahead.]

External battles of good and evil are what superhero figures are all about. Whether fighting for truth, justice, and all that stuff (Superman Returns), or fighting against sociopathic gangsters (Batman), radiation-enhanced electrified megalomaniacs (The Fantastic Four), or the devil himself (Ghost Rider), the battle against evil is often focused on the outside. There is no lack of external villains in Spider-Man 3 for our web-slinging hero to try to defeat, but as hinted in the trailer and the still photos for print media, the most dangerous antagonist that Peter Parker faces is the one lurking inside: sin.

Even with all of the eye-popping special effects and gasp-inducing action sequences that fans of this genre require, Spider-Man has always centered on the story of Peter Parker and his family and friends. And of the three Spider-Man films made so far, Spider-Man 3 is by far the most introspective and tragic. It certainly doesnt start that way (in fact, just the opposite), but as the movie unfolds, viewers watch Peter get a crash course in creating an environment ripe for sin, reveling in the temporary rush sin provides, discovering how sin turns from servant to enslaver, struggling to get free, and learning the kinds of lessons most of us wish were more prevalent at the cinema.

Ripe Conditions for Sin

In the initial Spider-Man film, Peter Parker was just trying to make sense of his new abilities while determining what responsibilities went with his great power. By Spider-Man 2, Parker was struggling with the burden of being a superhero. He was not sure if the benefits outweighed the costs. But as Spider-Man 3 begins, we find Peter at peace. He is beloved in the city, he is getting top grades at school, he has Mary Jane; all is right with the world. In fact, everythings great. Check that hes great. It is this shift from healthy introspection to adventures in narcissism that opens Peter up to attack by sin.

The Apostle James explains the progression of sin. It begins with our own desires, which, if allowed to carry us away, turn into sin, and when sin is accomplished, it brings forth death (James 1:14-15). Out of nowhere, an asteroid lands near where Peter and MJ are relaxing and fantasizing about their fabulous future. Out of the asteroid, a clearly conscious, black ooze emerges and attaches itself to Peters scooter waiting for an opportune moment to strike. The ooze is a metaphor for the parasitic sin nature something foreign in origin that attaches itself to a willing host, conspiring with it to maximize the hosts pride and aggression to turn them into arrogance and violence.

Viewers get a tour through Peters pre-ooze character transformation that turns him into prime target material. He has become a little conceited by his accomplishments, he basks in the citys applause, and he thinks more about himself and ignores Mary Jane failing to encourage her when she doubts herself and her abilities. He even cheats on her by giving away their special kiss to a girl he rescued just so he can pump up an already appreciative crowd. And stirring, deep in his heart, are dreams of murderous vengeance against the man who shot and killed his Uncle Ben. When the ooze gets hold of Peter, it doesnt change him it merely amplifies the tendencies he has been nurturing on his own.

Sin is Fun

The ooze looks creepy, at first, but we soon discover its ability to mold itself into very attractive shapes. When it attaches itself to Peter, it mimics his Spider-Man costume, rendering it all in a sophisticated black. Whatever abilities Peter has enjoyed before are enhanced. He becomes more confident, powerful, and dangerous. And it feels good.

Even after a well-reasoned warning from his Aunt May that his Uncle Ben would not want Peter to go around with vengeance in his heart, Peter loses his struggle against wearing the black suit. Aunt Mays prophetic words come true. Vengeance is a poison that can take us over and turn us into something ugly. But when people are in the grip of the thrill of sin, it is hard to recognize the downside often until it is too late.

In the book of Hebrews we are told that Moses chose a more difficult life rather than giving in to the passing pleasures of sin (Hebrews 11:24-26). From this we learn two concepts: first, that Moses was a hero of the faith, and second, that sin is pleasant at least, for awhile. After all, if sin wasnt fun, no one would do it. Peter initially revels in his new self, not able to see how others perceive him. He puts on new clothes and a cocky swagger, but people are repulsed. He replaces understanding with aggression, mercy with anger, caring with vindictiveness, and responsibility with lawlessness. Peter thinks he has arrived, that he is finally cool, but he has been taken over by sin and it is actively seeking his demise. All he once valued has fled. He must seek redemption or be lost forever.

Sin Sticks

What Peter discovers is that the suit, like sin, is not something that can be easily put on and then taken off at will. Early in the film, Peter is able to shed the black suit though it calls to him from the closet. But once he has given in to the power, getting out proves more difficult than fighting any other super-villain. The Apostle Paul explains how our relationship with sin develops. At first we submit ourselves to sin, but that sin then makes us its slaves (Romans 6:12-18). As long as we are compliant to the wishes of sin, there is little initial discomfort. It is only when we fight to get free and to do right that the true nature of the battle before us becomes clear: sin does not easily give up the struggle for our souls (Romans 7:14-25). Peter knows he has to get free, and has enough insight, at least in a sense, to seek out God.

Sin can be Beaten

It would be too much to expect for a popular film to show Peter having a blatant conversion experience to free him from the ooze. The location of Peters deliverance, however, is intriguing. After an encounter with an unscrupulous co-worker who begs Peter for forgiveness for doing wrong, Peter (still in the grip of the ooze) tells him, You want forgiveness? Get religion. So when Peter finally needs to be freed from the ooze, he knows where to go: to a church. I would almost wish that Aslan would cross over to Columbia Pictures from a Walden Media/Disney set and un-ooze Peter the way he un-dragoned Eustace Scrubb in The Voyage of the Dawn Treader. But the imagery of the church bell and the depiction of Peters desperate wrestling with the ooze suit certainly avoids the appearance of cheap grace. And once he is free there is a washing which is more ritualistic than hygienic.

Peter has beaten the ooze suit, but sin is not vanquished; it merely looks for another host. And it finds one even more willing to accept its edicts than was Peter. Eddies transformation into Venom is one of complete submission. Even when deliverance is offered, Eddie rejects it, saying I like being bad. So even though victory over sin is possible, the film makes it clear that one has to desire to resist and make the effort.

Past Sin toward Forgiveness
Jesus taught His disciples that sinners need to seek and extend forgiveness. And while Spider-Man 3 spends much of its time exploring the nature and effects of sin, it is sprinkled throughout with calls for forgiveness. Peter needs to learn to ask for and accept forgiveness from Mary Jane. Peter also has to learn to forgive those who have wronged him, and he sees a beautiful example in his Aunt May, who rejects the concept of vengeance -- even against the man who murdered her husband. His efforts are not universally welcomed -- that is to be expected -- but it is important for him to extend forgiveness nonetheless. In a film world filled with vengeance-seeking protagonists who slay their adversaries while popping off with edgy, comedic one-liners, the choice of Spider-Man 3s writers to emphasize instead the difficult virtue of forgiveness is particularly praise-worthy.

It is not my contention that all of the elements of a salvation message, or even the most important ones, are present in Spider-Man 3. There is no real Christ figure just the representation of the Church. There is no talk of substitutionary death, and no resurrection. But what is present in Spider-Man 3 is one of the better examinations of the operative nature of sin. And since recognition of sin, and the terrible price it exacts, is the most fitting place to begin a discussion of the Gospel, Spider-Man 3 is likely to be my pick for the most spiritually thought-provoking (and potentially discussion-starting) film of 2007.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Lost in Interpretation

why is it that my actions are always being misinterpreted as something deeper when in fact it is the most shallow of all shallowness???

i care. that's what i do.and sometimes i care too much to the point that i do actually put pain to the person i cared about.
and its wrong... and i knew it..but too late..

..and yeah speaking of care,i am concern to my friends.. and that doesn't mean that im GAY if im concern to a guy. Got it?

same thing with girls. it doesn't mean i have a feeling for a particular person if im concern to it?

but then again naive and loner as i am,i guess i don't know much about friendship and that i have sooo much to learn...

i received a comment couple of days back that a friend of mine thought i went extreme because she thought i treated her like a girlfriend (besides the fact that she's a girl and a friend) because im too protective daw.well,that's according to her.

(for the record im not being over-protective. sometimes a friend just see the pain before it drops and its his instinct to protect the other.not that he doen't want that friend tol earn on her/his own experience. its just that sometimes there are things that u dont have to experience in order to learn.)

well,its not what actually is in my mind. but then again i got lost in interpretation...

and so lessons learned,...

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Inside My Musical Head

I'm awake taking a break from studyingpre final exam tomorrow and so i mightas well post anything silly..
and silly it is,here's what's spinningin my headphone;
1.OVER THE RHINE- If Nothing Else

2.THE FRAY- How To save A Life

3.TEDDY GEIGER- Confidence (for You IWill)

4.BRIAN LITTRELL- Welcome Home (You)


6.OLD 97's- Lonely Holiday (imaginaryfriend)

7.JASON BLAINE- What I can't Forget

8.CHRIS TOMLIN- Amazing Grace(Mychains Are Gone)

9.HYPERSTATIC UNION- Praying For SunnyDays

10.PLUMB- All My Tears


12.NADA SURF- Always Love

13.TIM McGRAW- Last Dollar

14.MICHAEL ANTHONY CURAN- Franny I'm Sorry(demo)

15.HAWK NELSON- Everything You Ever Wanted

16.RELIENT K- Fallen Man

17.JOJO- Too Little Too Late

18.RYAN ADAMS- Come Pick Me Up


20.CHRIS THILE- Dead Leaves and Dirty Ground

21.SWITCHFOOT- Crazy In Love

22.JARS OF CLAY- Water Under The Bridge

23.LINKIN PARK- Nobodys Listening

24.NAS ft. Will.I.Am.- Hiphop Is Dead

25.AKON Ft. EMINEM- Smack That


27.CAEDMON's CALL- The Story

28.dc TALK-Between You And Me

29.SNOW PATROL-Hand Open

30.HILLSONG UNITED-What The Worldcould Never Take


32.CHRIS THILE & BELA FLECK- BachVariation (live medley)

33.THE SHINS- Phantom Limb

dont just stare there. go to itunes music store and get them stuff..they're good for the ears and for the mind (except that AKON track. i just love the beat!!!)

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Another Effect of Illegal Downloading of Music

i just recently read in the news that Virgin Records are now merging with Capitol Records(both under EMI) and hence,some artists are lost along the way. one of that artist is Stacie Orrico.
her new Cd was released under Virgin but now,Virgin(now called CapitoL) drop her from their artists catalog and so she's an indie again...

..and her former labe Forefront (which is still part of EMI) is now declining also..
and if u think that illegal downloading is mighty fine...think again...
here's spome suggestions,if u wanna download illegaly,b sure to download those artist whose music are nothing but junk and are some few examples:

1.britney spears eyed peas
4.nelly furtado's Loose album
6.american idols (except for kelly clarkson,bo bice,and daughtry)
7.and all those junks out there.u know who they are
..but then again,who would waste time listening to these junks?
unless ur mind is junk also

Sunday, March 4, 2007


Hello there,im michael anthony curan from the Philippines and im inviting you to check out my blog from time to time

i also got some demos of my songs here


or check out my friendster: